The ultimate all-things-Black bulletin embracing, emphasizing and empowering the Grand Canyon State. Your one-stop connection to discover resources with ease. Your go-to hub to embrace stories told with style.

INCLUSIVE: You’re here, we’re here. We choose to be primarily focused on all of Arizona and to encompass all perspectives.
ONLINE: Digital is here. We choose not to deny it. We need our information faster, easier and livelier.
LOYAL: Here’s the deal. We choose not to take sides but present all sides. However, we are committed to truth and steadfast in acknowledging, celebrating, supporting and evaluating Blackness.
AUTHENTIC: We out here. We choose to live life and operate with values of Humanity. We will be real with our Culture.
The inspiration behind BELLbulletin...
“The people must know before they can act, and there is no educator to compare with the press.”

The Black Press has been a balm for progress – circulating truth, perspective and possibility. The Freedom's Journal was first published March 1827 in New York by John Russwurm and Samuel Cornish. Although shortlived, it was the start of not allowing others to speak for and misrepresent Black people. Today, as many as 200 publications are part of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, which has been in existence since 1940.
The Credo of The Black Press: The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights.
BELLbulletin takes the role of educator seriously. Our goal is to be a comprehensive knowledge source featuring carefully curated content, concentrated themes and inspiring stories.
“The appetite grows for what it feeds on.”
BELLbulletin is committed to all spectrums of Arizona’s Black citizens – artists, activists, entrepreneurs and others – Black families and Black communities. Our goal is that they be well in all aspects of their personal, professional, social and spiritual lives.
“The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.”
BELLbulletin will follow examples of powerful crusaders and pioneers of the past who were dedicated to social change. Ultimately, we aim to contribute to creating a world that would make Ida B. Wells proud. Our in-depth work will illuminate issues that need to be addressed in our communities, and aid in revealing solutions and change-making opportunities.