PRNEWSWIRE/EATONVILLE, FLA - The 32nd annual Zora Neale Hurston Festival of the Arts and Humanities (ZORA!® Festival) will continue its time-honored tradition of presenting thought provoking and culturally relevant experiential programing. A production of the Association to Preserve the Eatonville Community, Inc. (P.E.C.), the 2021 festival will be a Hybrid Special Event with the official launch Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021 celebrating Zora Neale Hurston's 130th birthday and culminating Saturday, Jan. 31, 2021.

"Earlier this year, as we began to finalize how our organization would present the 32nd ZORA! Festival, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we determined our best course would be a hybrid event, available to a global audience. We are utilizing multiple platforms to present stimulating virtual programming allowing for real-time attendee interaction while also offering limited in-person activities, which pay strict attention to safety measures in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Our best practices will require the mandatory use of masks, limit the number of in-person attendees, enforce social distancing, and provide for hand sanitation," said N.Y. Nathiri, the executive director for the Association.
2021 ZORA! Festival Events
Festival producers have put together an expertly curated month-long calendar of events that includes:
Zora Neale Hurston's Virtual 130th Birthday Celebration
"What is the Sound of Afrofuturism?"
2021 Opening Exhibition
Zora Neale Hurston National Museum of Fine Arts (The Hurston)
Tour of Yards & Gardens of Historic Eatonville
Inaugural Session: Community Conversations (A Virtual Event)
Race and Economic Realities in 21st Century America — Featuring Dr. William A. Darity, Jr.
African and African American Studies, and Economics at Duke University - First of a Three-Part Series on Race and Economic Realities in 21st Century America.
Africa-America Women's Economic Forum (A Virtual Event)
Women Empowered for Economic Revival Beyond the Pandemic and Injustice
Afrofuturism Conference: "Afrofuturism — What is its Sound?" Conference (A Virtual Event)
A Taste of Eatonville & Drive-Movie Experience
Wymore Field
For additional information about events visit